The flag site exits because of the vision and dedication of prior Committees with the generosity of the citizens of Somerset County, PA.
The current Committee is committed to the long-term maintenance of the flag site,
which is dedicated to all Somerset County veterans and to the flag pole which is dedicated to the Flight 93 heroes
If successful, our work will never be finished.


GET INVOLVED - become part of the support process!

Membership is available to any business concern, any civic, social, or religious association, any person, male or female, is eligible to active membership in the Corporation.

Application for membership must be made in writing on a special form provided for that purpose.

The application must state the name, address, and occupation of the person or concern proposed.

Download a Membership Application in PDF format here
Print the Application and send to the Committee

The membership Committee of the Corporation may make such investigations into the character and standing of the proposed member as it deems exists, may declare the applicant elected to membership.

Membership Dues

Annual membership
Dues are $12 per year or $1 per month after January.

A donation is appreciated; but, it is not required for membership.

Lifetime Membership

Available for a donation of $1,000 includes engraving of a paving stone with the name of your choice to honor your support or in memory of a special veteran. For additional details see out Donations page.


Per ARTICLE II, Section 2 of the BY-LAWS:
The Annual Meeting of the Corporation shall be held at such time as set by the Board of Directors. All meetings of the Corporation shall be held in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Special meetings shall be called by the Board of Directors when they so desire and shall be called by the Board of Directors upon the written request of any five (5) members in good standing. Notice of time and place of holding such meeting, addressed to the last known place of residence or business address of the members, shall be sent to each member in good standing ten (10) days prior thereto. Five (5) members of the Corporation shall constitute a quorum at any such meeting.


Per ARTICLE III, Section 1, of the BY-LAWS:
Each member shall have one vote for the election of Directors at the annual meeting of members.

Per ARTICLE II, Section 2 of the BY-LAWS:
Five (5) members of the Corporation shall constitute a quorum at any such meeting.

No other specific membership duties are defined in the BY-LAWS.

However, all members are expected to promote the purposes of the Corporation as stated in the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.

Required Membership Information:

Name: _______________________________________________
                           of Individual or Organization (Please PRINT)

Name: _______________________________________________
               if an Organization, name of voting representative

Address: _____________________________________________



email address: ________________________________________

Occupation: __________________________________________

Phone Number: __________________________________________

Download a Membership Application in PDF format here
Print the Application and send to the Committee




          Download a Membership Application in PDF format here

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